Jack Canfield: ERO and The Law of Attraction

Tech Diva Success is on a mission to spark tech diva success. For our Chief Tech Diva, this entire journey began with the book The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. Jack Canfield is America’s #1 Success Coach, co creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul, and leads a training company sharing these proven success principles. These are the foundation of the Tech Diva Success Collection, so this is a breakthrough podcast where Jack shares with the Tech Divas how to own your fire, decide what you want, and leverage the law of attraction. Tune in for part 1 of this engaging and life changing interview with Jack. Make sure you subscribe to catch Part 2 or search our library once released.

If you like this kind of content and are wanting to reach your potential, then check out Nicole Schefflers’ Jack Canfield Inspired Goal Setting Course! Share with your Employee Resource Group, have Nicole speak to kick off a goal setting session, and get access today HERE.

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“Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass.”
- Jack Canfield from Paul J. Meyer

Nothing feels better than reaching your goals. One of my goals as the Chief Tech Diva was to have a conversation with Jack Canfield on a platform to share his vision with women in tech. This show is a testament to goal setting as we are joined with Jack Canfield. 

From his earliest days teaching inner-city high school students how to discover their potential and succeed no matter what their circumstances — to becoming a world-renowned transformational speaker and trainer who has conducted more than 2,500 workshops and events all over the world — Jack Canfield has devoted his life and career to helping others achieve their personal definition of success and create lives of greater joy, meaning, and fulfillment. Nicole Scheffler is a proud Certified Success Coach in his program and loves bringing his messages to tech divas.

A talk with Jack Canfield is not complete without starting with the foundational principle, E + R = O. It is simple. Events happen to us all day, but it is how we react to these events than leads to an outcome. Our thoughts, feelings, and actions can be controlled to help us own our incredible life experience. Once you master this, you can move forward with confidence that you can breakthrough anything in life and find success on your terms. 

We discuss how blaming, complaining, and making excuses can get in the way and frankly how to drop out of the “Ain’t it awful club”. This concept is key in everyday life, but is especially powerful in our career as team members and leaders. When you stop making excuses and complaining, you have more room to take action and stay positive. 

Jack was lucky to be joined with several other motivational soul in the movie, The Secret. In this movie, they discuss the power of thought and the law of attraction. Listen in as Jack discusses this powerful concept and take it a step further to how Tech Divas can use it to guide their success. 

In this episode, we discuss the following success principles:
❤️🔥The Secret to Life
❤️🔥How to own your fire 
❤️🔥 Law of Attractions
❤️🔥 Leveling up as Women in Technology

🙏HUGE thanks again to Jack Canfield for this amazing interview and all the work he has to not only inspire me, but to have a butterfly effect in YOUR life. Enjoy this episode. 

Resource Links:

🚨Breakthrough to Success with Jack’s Success Program: Check out Jack’s Breakthrough Course
Get a copy of the book that started it for me: The Success Principles
And of course the book where you can read from Jack and Nicole Scheffler: Pillars of Success

Grab Nicole Schefflers’ Jack Canfield inspired Goal Setting Course
Consider taking these principles and becoming a Certified Success Coach like Nicole. Info HERE

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